Call for JAE Fellows
The JAE and ACSA recognize the critical need to support the scholarship of architectural educators and researchers who face and continue to encounter systemic and structural obstacles, including racism, within academia and beyond. As a step toward this commitment, we have established one-year Fellowships and online publication commitments for cohorts of four architectural educators, designers, and researchers per year who self-identify as Black, Native/Indigenous, and/or as members of groups that are and have been historically and systemically marginalized and excluded, and whose academic labor is precarious, including adjunct, lecturer, and other non-tenure track faculty. Proposals may be made by individuals or as part of a collective and will be selected for advancement by the JAE Fellows Advocates. A key component of the JAE Fellows program is to help shift conversations and systems around conventional forms of review and assessment, and to productively unsettle exclusive systems and platforms of scholarship, design, research, and creative practice.
JAE Fellows Advocates
The JAE Fellows Advocates are an international network of renowned architectural educators that work with the Fellows for one year to advance their projects.
The Awards
Each fellowship includes a one-time award of $5,000 and an individually tailored commitment of mentorship and advocacy from the JAE Fellows Advocates. Awardees and Advocates will commit to established meetings throughout the duration of the Fellowship. JAE Fellows’ work will be published at the end of the Fellowship period on JAE’s website and additional programming is planned–as desired by each Fellow–to highlight their work, including webinars, interviews, online conversations, and other events to engage a broader public and to open an expansive discourse on the future of disciplinary scholarship and publication. A commitment of this project is to provide a platform for Fellows and their work.
The Criteria
Applications are open to architectural educators located anywhere in the world. This Fellowship encourages and is designed to strengthen modes of architectural research that take risks and are not yet well-supported, including work that challenges structural and systemic injustices, that advances new conversations about architectural education/pedagogy, practice, and/or theory, and that engages nontraditional methodologies and presentation methods (including primarily visual work, collectively authored work, documentary work, and other writing genres). Proposed projects created during this Fellowship may be part of a larger, ongoing research project. Fellows may also propose to expand the possibilities of online publishing and the digital platform of the JAE website, including time-based, video, and sound-based work.
Application Details
To apply for JAE Fellows, please share the following:
- Project Narrative that frames your research inquiry, method(s), and desired outcomes in relation to your academic goals and desire for peer support (500 words)
- CV (2-page maximum)
- Bio (200-word)
- 1 – 5 work samples (in .pdf, .mov, .avi, etc.) that support the Project Narrative
The JAE Fellows program welcomes Project Narratives that operate as personal narratives, and work samples that are unconventional and more exploratory in both format and content. Work samples may include but are not limited to: poems, playlists, videos, critiques, elegies, ripostes, counters, and commentaries.
Submit applications via the online portal. The application deadline is February 1, 2024.