I was a law school teacher, and that’s how I regard my role here with my [SCOTUS] colleagues, who haven’t had the experience of growing up female and don’t fully appreciate the arbitrary barriers that have been put in women’s way.—Ruth Bader Ginsburg
In March 2018, I went on record with the New York Times, accusing Richard Meier of sexually inappropriate behavior at an office event in 2003. In what follows, I reflect on the experiences I contributed to that piece, which are a microcosm of similar experiences I have faced in other contexts throughout my life. Though as of late, Meier’s name is invoked around #MeToo within our profession, the unfortunate reality is that this issue is about more than one person and is much more expansive than our profession. As I return to academia this year, having worked as an architect, sole practitioner, general contractor, planning board member, and on faculty in various firms and institutions for almost two decades, it is in the spirit of collective growth and learning that I continue to share my experience in hopes of eliminating an arbitrary barrier that too many women are forced to confront.
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