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ArchiteXX, Now What?!, and Creating New Futures
Lori Brown, Sarah Rafson, Andrea J. Merrett & Roberta Washington
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New futures are being created right now, changing how we understand the discipline’s history. ArchiteXX is an organization committed to creating gender equity by bridging the academy and practice. We are using this essay to critically engage the powerful space of the Other while acknowledging that to be othered can mean to be disempowered, a pejorative act made to shut one down. Yet, as bell hooks wrote, “to be in the margin [or, as we argue, the space of the Other] is to be part of the whole but outside the main body.” Those at the margin are a “vital part of that whole.” It is this marginal condition that we proudly and unabashedly promote through our traveling exhibition, online catalog, and eventual publication, Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture Since 1968.

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