Hero Image
Discursive Image
Inter-Species Scaffold
Cameron Parkin
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This drawing combines the representation of an ecological scaffold with the urban network of interconnected habitat patches in which it is placed. This is part of an exploration looking at methods of extending the territory and agency of regional ecologies in Toronto through interventions in the built fabric. These interventions are designed to promote urbanite-fauna interaction, which has the potential to increase city dwellers’ environmental stewardship and benefit their psychological well-being. This drawing blends the large-scale strategy of networked habitat patches with the small-scale strategy of dense, constantly varying, intertwined scaffolds for humans, flora, and fauna. By combining these studies, the image reveals the continuity of the complex interconnectedness of multiple systems in the reading and manipulation of ecological and urban forces at varying scales. The image’s treatment highlights the artificiality of the presented habitats while subverting traditional ideas of nature as pristine, sacred, and separate from the built urban realm.

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