Research addressing the relationship between health and architecture has frequently focused on what architects produce—the spaces, infrastructures, and buildings that result from their work—and the effects these have on the health of their various publics and occupants. Understandably, there has been a particular emphasis on spaces dedicated to health care and how, over time, they have materialized changing ideas of illness and wellness, disease and contagion. From sanatoria to hospitals to biophilic design, from obesogenic infrastructures to palliative landscapes—much emphasis has been placed on how architects’ work can have impacts, both positive and negative, on public health and the well-being of building users.
What has been less commonly addressed in the research literature is the well-being of architects themselves, especially in relation to their work, and the highly particular tensions and cultures which condition it. This paper looks to turn questions of health in architecture inward: to the profession and its people, within architectural culture, and especially within architectural education.
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